Harper Can’t be Trusted

Harper Can’t be Trusted

Welcome to CEP’s “Election 2011” campaign page. Here you will find out about the issues our union wants covered in this election, our position on those issues and our views on other election issues as they arise. After five years of fighting for jobs and pensions, CEP knows that Harper can’t be trusted. He can’t be trusted to keep Canadian industries and jobs in Canada, nor to ensure that we derive long-term, sustainable benefit from our country’s energy resources. He will sell out our foreign ownership laws in telecom and media.

CEP believes that a Harper majority would be a disaster for Canada and for working families. We urge our members, their families and neighbours to elect New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois MPs in Quebec – and we call on all the opposition parties to cooperate for a new, progressive government. Be sure to read CEP’s material carefully, including information on how you can take part in this election campaign and do your part to get the word out!